Sat 11 Jan
*NEW* 😘****Thick Kitten***** 👏👏all natural . Beautiful sexy 😳😳😳and very addictive 😍😍😍 - 23
(Memphis, Memphis/ east Memphis Germantown)
🔥💥🔥💣💥60qv your favorite girl💯 is back and ready to please.💥come have an explosive time.🔥💣💥 - 25
(Kissimmee 192🏩Incall only, Orlando)
LOOK -:¦¦:- InToXiCaTiNg *-:¦:-* UPSCALE EbOnY PLaYmATe *In Perry* - 25
(Macon, Ext.136 off 75 Macon, WR, Ft.Vally)
Whaddup it's that giiirl! Curvy, inked hot hipster girl needs to stop looking at memes. HELP. - 27
(Goose Hollow/Inner SW/Near Downtown, Portland)
🍓🍓 NeW specials 🍓IrReSiStAbLe BlOnDe BeAuTy!!! 🍓 NeW specials 🍓🍓 - 19
(Inland Empire, Fontana/Rancho/Ontario)
✋🏽✋🏽Don't miss out ❗️✋🏽✋🏽💲50 💨, $60QV😉😏 💲100HR😈 TEXT ME NOW!(510-853-8178)-21 - 21
(North Bay, Santa Rosa, Santa Rosa,Ronhert Park,Cleveland Ave)
***mUst See***~ nAsTy bY nAtUre~ ***CaLL fOr ToNiTe'S SpecIaLs*** - 20
(Long Beach, **Norwalk 605/5Fwy>> Pioneer)
★ _[[ExOtic b.O.o.t.y. fReak]]_ * UnFoRgEttAbLe ExXxPeRiEnCe * _[[ExXxtreme GFE]]_ ★
(i - n - c - a - l - l - s READY NOW!)
..... ..... ... d E L i c i O u s ... .... .. ...... Y u m M y ...... ..... .... ... b R E a s T s! - 23
;:*¨¨*: NEW LATINAS 4 U [[ GRAND OPENING ]] CURVY CUTIES ;:*¨¨*: ❤ - 22
(Long Beach, HARBOR/GG/OC/LB/714-417-0193)
EXOTIC Oriental Asian Massage XOXO 710 Fwy /Alondra Long Beach Lakewood Compton - 25
(4522 E Alondra / 710 Fwy, Cerritos, City of Long Beach, Compton, Long Beach)
CINDY 60$$ ♥ 2 girl 80$$ ♥ reviews ♥NEW PICs♥CINdy 38DD sexy PRETTY Latina .... 91fwy exit pioneer - 26
(Long Beach, Orange County Lakewood Cerritos Downey)
Treat yourself to a Nice,Slim Chocolate With Pure Satisfaction Guaranteed - 20
(Cleveland, Outcalls Discreetly To You!)
LeAviNg SoOn (( SpANk Me )) * SuPeR FrEaKy & KiNkY * ToP NoTcH * 100% REAl * (( TeAsE Me )) - 21
(Airport Area 24hr Incall)
~~~~*** {Looking for the Exotic Model of your dreams..? NEW Elegant PICS !!} ****~~~~~~ - 21
27 Year Old Businessman Looking to Settle Down & Marry By Christmas - 27
(Lawton, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa)
GFE EROTICA!! VisitinG FoR A ShorT TimE! 100 SPECIAL!!! ExPlOsIvE eXpErIeNcE! gorgeous p*ssy - 21
(palm springs and surrounding areas)
HaPpY TuRkEy DaY!!!! 😍Call me 80 specials EvErYoNe LeAvE's WiTh A sMiLe - 25
(San Antonio, Starcrest & 410)
$$$$$$ mIsS GiOvAnNa CaPrI MoNrOeViLLeS bEsT KePt SeCrEt 2672165638 $$$$$$$ - 21
(Monroeville incall 60 100 160 until 6am)
- -$75 hh- - - NEW IN MEMPHIS!!! 100% ME OR ITS FREE! Cashmere is here! - - - $75hh - - - 22
(Memphis, East Memphis//Surrounding. In/Outcall)
Sexy Sunday Are you ready to have a good time? qv 60 - 24
(international drive orlando incall only, Orlando)
REAL PICTURES ... 100% Fun ... Pure Satisfaction .. Very Sexy =.Natural Beauty =) (Well Reviewed) > - 22
(orlando In and Out)
!! #1 BuSTy FANT@SY DrE@M GiRL is HeRe and RE@DY 2 PLeASe U !! CLICK 2 eXpLOde on My yUmMy 38G's!! - 19
Adult Playmate "Mature Tan Redhead" A Little Spice to Warm U ! Visiting - 55
(Hillsborough Co, Clearwater/US19 off 60 East Bay/Travel)
💯%Real photos💏Sexy at your fingertips🤗 INCALLS - 26
(INCALLS/OUTCALLS northbay, North Bay, Novato / Petaluma)
💋💋💋💃🏼Availability 💋Is 💋Right💋 NOW! 💃🏼💃🏼💋💋💋💋 - 23
(Chattanooga, Clarksville, Cookeville, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville, Tri-Cities, °•★•°)
————[[ TRUSTED ]] ——————[[ REViEWED ]] ——————[[ VERiFiED ]] ————— - 26
(San Antonio, ————[[ Airport - INCALL ONLY ]] ——————)
Fri 10 Jan
80 SPECiAL ×°x°× CLiCK HERE! ×°x°× PETiTE ×°x°× SEXY ×°x°× LATiNA ×°x°× - 21
(Artesia, Norwalk, Cerritos)
█▀▄▀▄▀█ ►►►TRUSTED & REVIEWED Ebony & Asian Mixx...I'M the REAL DEAL◄◄◄ █▀▄▀▄▀█ - 34
(Murfreesboro, Nashville)
Kinky Fun! Open - Minded! Discreet & Sexy! - 19
(In town, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Maria)
▬▐▐▐ ▬💟 💟 💟 💟 💟▬▐▐▐ ▬ College Student / VIP service▬▬ ● ► U Deserve the BEST ▬▐▐▐ ▬💟 💟 💟 💟 - 26
(Paso Robles ./ Slo, San Luis Obispo)
Chilly Day Golf!! Tee it up with me,Classy Blonde Golf Gal! - 40
(Pensacola, Pensacola, Panama City, Destin FL)
Pretty Brunette Petite and Busty! 5'2" 110lbs 34C Hard Body Great Service - 19
(San Antonio /Wurzbach)