Fri 03 Jan
Roxy ..... & ...... Amber ........Daily Double Menage Duo Fully Exciting and Enjoyable -- 22
RavRachael says I am Back!!!!!!!!!! Come see me before I leave on Friday! - 42
(N. Columbus, Oh 161/71)
Gracee is Back, so Where are You? So Call 602-391-8393 - 30
(Scottsdale rd. just North of Camelback .)
FiT ___Blond___ WellRevieweD___ A++mouth____ PVincall __________ real PIX or ITS [F] _[R]_ [E]_ [E] - 26
(Central/South Phoenix, tempe PVT incall /OUT hr+(baseline/48th))
D -I -R -T -Y * S -E -X -Y * I -R -R -E -S -I -S -T -A -B -L -E * * CoMe OuT & PLaY! - 25
(Central/South Phoenix, North of Downtown PhX : INCALL)
BEGIN YOUR YEAR WITH A SMILE!! *** Hot & Friendly Busty Blonde!! - 27
(The sexiest outcal in the valley!!!)
Sexy Hot Amazing Mature Busty Blonde ~ Ft Laud ~ In/Out ~ text for pic - 38
(Ft Lauderdale, Ft Laud)
My Boyfriend is Out of Town..SuperwomanDDD. Open Mind - 32
(Boca raton fl, City of Ft. Lauderdale, Coral Springs, Deerfield, Florida Keys, Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood, Pompano, Sunrise, West Palm Beach)
Moment Of A Morning Burst (Ms Goddess) Sexy Satisfaction ---------@ - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, Commercial Blvd Incalls Only)
👑●❣●⭐♥⭐ *• :•.🌟👑.•: * •●❣ ●💢YOUR * •●❣●💢FANTASY * •●❣●💢GIRL *•●❣● • * :•.🌟.•: * • ⭐♥⭐●❣● - 23
(Orlando, ORLANDO, FL)
* * * UCF HOTTIE * * * Upscale Blonde ~ 5'7~ 118 lbs. ~ 34C ~ 100% RECENT ACTUAL PICS - 22
(Orlando, !!!!! OUTCALL ONLY !!!!!)
##THIS sExY LATINA FreaK is Up WaItInG fOr U NoW WhaT ARe WaITing fOr##100 hr - 19
💕💕💕READY TO PLAY ★♥ƸӜƷ♥★100%ReAl PiCs ★♥ƸӜƷ♥★ HoTTiE 💕💕💕 - 26 - 26
(Orlando, orlando and surrounding areas)
🍭💋👍heads down 👆#1☝ headache relif around 👏2grl spcl🍭readynow - 27
(kissime, Poincia,Idrive, orland, out&inc;, Orlando)
Here is a list of every Erotic Massage Parlor & Dirty Reviews. Find out what they do & don't do - 20
🍯🍌HEY!! Honey hurry leaving soon 😍💋😍 mixed❤ You want it I got it Fat booty,sweet to the touch 🍭🍡🍭IM - 21
HEY YoU ready tO PlAYY😘😘I am READY WHEN you ARE😜specials Ask ABOUT EM - 21
(Maitland /altamonte/winter park, Orlando)
~*~ HALLOWEEN SPECIAL ~*~ Sweet Brunette ~*~ Good Girl gone BADD! ~*~JUST ViSiTiNG - 21
(Orlando, incall specials)
green eyed babydoll cutie with a booty porcelian princess skills that will give you chills - 22
(international drive, Orlando)
GOT SupeR 😘SupeR GooD DeaLS CalL ME baBY How Ever YOU like it BABY 🙈🙉🙊 - 22
(Orlando, winter park i-drive orlando Altamont)
Blonde Canadian Looking For Fun. CONFIRMATION PICS IN AD - 24
(Mall Of Millenia - 100/hh or 140/hr, Orlando)
Beautiful Bleach Blonde!! Daytime Specials!!! 407//373//3071 - 23
(Orlando, Kissimmee , Orlando , surrounding areas)
♥BAYWATCH ( BUSTY) ♥ © • Fetish Friendly > ADORABLE ASIAN, Complete W/ Apple Bottom! - 29
(Orlando, UCF AREA (University Blvd) & Outcalls)
A professional, confident female business associate wanted ASAP - 45
(Orlando, Orlando Florida/ downtown)
💎Red HOT🔴 RedHead 🔺 Hott natural body 🔥 Great Experience ♥ MOST BEAUTIFUL💃 💜 - 24
(Ogden, Your Place anywhere in SLC)
▒ ░ * ❤.•* you have tried the rest *•.❤* ░▒▓•♥• ★ now try the best★ •♥• ▓▒░ * ❤.•* *•.❤* ░▒▓ - - 21
(Ogden, Ogden, UT)
THE PREMiER CHOiCE in UPSCALE COMPANiONSHiP {{Naughty Latina Playmate}} - 25
(German Town In or Out)
▄▄ PICK 1 pick 2▄ ▄SEXY❤ ▄ CURVY▄▄❤ BEAUTIFUL❤ ▄▄ ❤ ▄▄▄GIRL❤❤ ▄▄▄❤your choice ▄❤❤ ▄▄▄ - - 21
°o★o75.75 . 75.75★_T H _☆_P R F C T_ ☆_C H O I C _★ _ o★o° - 22
(Memphis, smack in the middle of memphis (dwntwn))
♣Let the temptations be your invitation♣▶sexy new pictures coming soon◀Ask me about my warm up spec - 23
(Memphis, JACKSON, TN my place or yours)
¯`'•.¸ :¦:-•* ♀❤♀ ✔ ♥ ★==► ⓒ*ⓛ*ⓘ*ⓒ*ⓚ ★ ⓗ*ⓔ*ⓡ*ⓔ ◄== ★ For AMAZING specials 786 567 7041 ♥ - 19
(Memphis, eastmemphis,IN & OUTCALL,7865677041)
👑 EAST MEMPHIS #1 WHITE Provider 👑 702 763 2832 📞 BEST in the City ! SEE for YOURSELF 👀 - 22
(Memphis, Perkins rd & Outcall to Homes)
Available Now N Ready For Sum Fun with an Beautiful chick..come ✔ me out ..901-208-5566 - 21