Tue 21 Jan
HoTTesT CoMMoDiTY { *cHoCoLaTe GiRLs GeT WeTTeR!!* } *gFe EbONY sPiNNeR* - 24
(Central Austin (In's & Out's))
I _______ mAY _______ lOOK _______ iNNOCENT _______ bUT_______ iM_______ vERY ________ nAUGHTY !! - 21
(¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´¯) ☆ iM BACK -- AUSTiNS FAVORTiTE LATiNa ☆ (¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´¯) - 19
I _______ mAY _______ lOOK _______ iNNOCENT *______ bUT_____* iM_______ vERY ____* n a u g h t y ** - 23
(Austin(Loop 1 & 360))
HumpDaySpecial Feat.Candace Kinky College Babe stunning sweet perky-perfection* Free b.b*b'j w/ hr* - 21
(Austin, S)
___ ___ $ _ 1 _ 2_ O _____ ___ N _ O ___ R _ U _ S _ H ___ ___ ½ __ H _O_U_ R ___ - 22
(highland mall incalls UP ALL NIGHT)
**Highly Reviewed**Eccie Verified** ...Natural DD's, Apple Bottom Booty, Delicious Curves ... - 27
(Austin, Austin/ I35 and 290)
*GREEN-EYED GODDESS* Stunning Model* Ultimate Satisfaction* OUTCALL ONLY* **UP LATE** - 36
(GREAT SPECIALS) all night! sexy AMAZING beautiful!! a must see DO NOT MISS OUT - 25
(Austin, Downtown)
💚 💚 💚GIRL NEXT DOOR💚 💚 💚N__O__T__ H__ I __ N__G __ 💚 💚 💚 C__ O__ M __ P __ A __ R __ E _💚 - 21
(Austin, Downtown, I COME 2 U♥✿♥✿ rare ✿♥✿♥✿100% REAL)
💋GODDESS GABBY.... some BLONDES are just BUILT TO PLEASE... call now......💓 - 27
(Austin, North Austin)
H I G H LY TA L E N TED ♥ H OT & R -E -A -D -Y - 23
(Austin, NORTH AUSTIN/Private Incall)
Real Ebony Nympho ★ Total GFE Spinner ★Private Discreet Incall ★ 100% Verified - 21
(In's & Out's Available)
💛💎 💯💛💎 Seductive Asian Kitty Slim waist Soft booty 💯👌 Filipina Breed 💁 available now - 23
(Atlanta, Buckhead lenox area)
S U P E R__________ S E X Y___________ I T A L I A N ___________ B R U N E T T E ♥ AVAiLaBLe NoW - 22
(Otp North, Outcalls to upscale residences & hotels)
ReAl TaNnEd ToNeD BeSt BoOtY $$$$$ SeXY Petite WelL ReViEwEd Kristen Rose 626-390-0944 - 22
☀ BReakFaSt IN beD ☀ cHoCoLaTe GiRLs GeT WeTTeR ☀ gFe EbONY sPiNNeR ☀ - 24
(Central Austin (In's & Out's)
:¦: X O T i C:¦: :YOU'RE: :GONNA: :¦:LOVE:¦: :ME :¦: :¦ - 27
(North Austin off I-35 *ECCIE REVIEWED*)
*~ *~ WiLLInG*~ ReAdY *4'11 *Tiny* Blonde *Spinner * waiting *4 *your *call**!!! - 29
(n35 & St. johns(290))
★•°•°• _X_•°•_ BUSTY CALlFORNlA BLONDE PLAYMATE ((IN/CALL)) _•°•_X _ •°•°•★ - 24
(Austin, N. AUSTIN)
§x¥ BEaUtiFuL ☆ Eccie/ ☆ _ VeRIFiable REviEw'D and REadY * CLaSSy ProVIDer - 22
(Austin *SPECIAL FOR REGULARS _p411/Eccie)
{* YeP iT TrUe }* {{ SeXy { * BLoNdE* } * { HoTie }*l { *CuRvY* } l* N AuSTiN} {* 120/180*} - 21
»» WHAT »» A »» BANGIN »» BODY »» - 24
(N. Atx Incalls<--1oo 1fourty 180)
§x¥ BEaUtiFuL ☆ Eccie/P411 ☆ _ VeRIFiable REviEw'D and REadY * CLaSSy ProVIDer - 22
(Austin *SPECIAL FOR REGULARS _p411/Eccie)
♥ XX ))) EROTIC ((( XX ))) MIXED ((( - ♥ BOMBSHELL (Specials ) - 28
♥x ❊ 0ηe Οf A ΚιηD ❊_[x♥x]__ NAUGHTY x♥x ___★ LATINA ★__( x♥x )HABLO ESPANOL - 24
(Austin, Austin/outcalls only, Downtown)
-:¦:- xXx -:¦:- SeXy EbOnY SpiNNeR ... WiTh A PoRn sTaR TwiSt -:¦:-xXx -:¦:- LaST DaY!! - 24
(North Austin (In's & Out's)
§x¥ Exotic Brazillian/ Mix ☆ Eccie/P411 Friendly ☆ Available Now! UP LATE - 22
(Austin* (specials Inside))
We are Austin's Finest G F E 's -- Young, Sinfully Sweet, Ready to please you today! Starting @ 140 - 19
(Austin, Texas)
NICE ReViEwS ~*~ SPECIALS ~*~ M A T U R E VoLuPtUoUs CoUgAr ~*~ NICE ReViEwS
(N. Austin Private Incall)
wEt sExY ExXxOtiC cUm tEsT dRiVe tHiS fInE BeNtLeY 100% mE AnD WeLL ReViEwEd - 21
(RouND RoCK iNCaLLs OnLy)
(¯`'♥'´¯) VISITING ATX! Now Scheduling 9/5 & 9/6 - Call Before Its To Late! (¯`'♥'´¯) - 23
(Downtown Austin)
Visiting San Antonio or Austin? Even when it's raining, it's still HOT here...
(San Antonio & Austin & surrounding areas)
☆ *ViSiTiNg N0W!* SeXy&&NaUghTy; ((♥ GFe H0TTie ♥)) *xXx GiRL-NeXt-DoOr* ☆ - 22
(♥ Downtown (In's/Out's) ♥)
Up Late..Watching Porn & Would Love the Company of 1 Discreet Man who'll Appreciate Being Pampered:) - 31
UPSCALE COMPANION♛★▬ ♛▬▬ ★♛★★♛★▬▬**YOUNG ((BRUNETTE)) HOTTIE**▬▬▬★♛★▬ V.I.P ♛▬▬ ★♛★▬ ♛★♛ - 23
(Austin, DoMaIn InCaLL 💫💫, Downtown)
Visiting San Antonio or Austin? Whether business or pleasure bring you here...
(San Antonio & Austin & surrounding areas)
*{* Up LaTE*}* {{ SeXy { * BLoNdE* } * {{ HoTie }}*l { *CuRvY* } l* N AuSTiN}} {* NEw GiRL*} - 21
ೋ {$uP3R WET } *¨¨*:. ★ .:*¨¨* {UnBeLi3v@Bly HoRnY} ೋ**! 0nLy WaNT 2 $aTi$Fy U! - 21
(★ 290 @ AiRpOrt BlVd. ★)
(¯`´¯) »*°§ _ u_ P_ E _ r _ *° § x Y °*P L AY M A T » (¯`´¯) - - - 21 - 19
(¯`'.¸ TiNY ★ PaCkaGe ¸.'´¯) ___of___ (¯`'.¸ DrippiN ★PleaSure ¸.'´¯) - 23
(N. AuStin InCall > petite SPINNER treat)
TrY Me! $80 S P E C I A L S RaTeS & * * SPECIAL$ RaTeS * Call Now - 20
(Austin, Stassney/35 freeway)
Mon 13 Jan
★ DONT MISS THIS ★ _________ _____ _______ {ALL} ♥ {AMERICAN} ♥ {PLAYMATE} - 22
(Midland / Odessa, Incalls & Outcalls [[NEW IN TOWN]])
* HouSToN!...i'M HeRe!! *♥* ReaDy To PleaSe » [(¯ SiZzLiN' HoTT *EbOnY* SpiNNeR ´¯)] - 24
(Galleria (Incalls/Outcalls))
Sun 12 Jan
❤ Houston's ❤ Hottest ❤ Housewife ❤ ($99 incall special today) - 29
(Houston, 290 ~ Northwest incall OR outcall)
Discreet adult fun with my secrets playtime let's go;) - 44
(City of San Diego, 92108 Hotel circle south, all of SanDieg)
I don't have a valentine, let alone a boyfriend!
(Beaumont/Pt Arthur, College Station, Galveston, Houston, Huntsville)
--- *FAMOUS* ---YoUR TRuE GiRL NeXT DooR--- **WeLL ReVieWeD** ---eVeRY MaNS FaNTaCY!!! --- - 22
::::::::::: LAST DAY ::::::::::: INCALL & OUT IN NASHVILLE :::::::::::::: - 26
(In & Outcall ... Nashville / Brentwood, Nashville)
__________ __________ AUSTIN UNRESTRICTED *PSE* ... BACK IN TULSA TODAY!! 8/19* ____ ______________ - 28
💗💖Jessica!!💋💋💞💖 $80-$60 special☎out and incall!!👅😻 sexy💗 latina💯💦💦💦 (Northside) - 23
(City of Houston, Houston, North east)
Gorgeous Sassy NEW Latina .... NEW TO YOUR CITY .... Must See Stunning THICK CURVY Latina - 20
(clearlake,NASA,League City, 45 S, Galvs.)