Mon 27 Jan
* ♥ * DON'T YOU WANT !!! ------- >>> {{ Big BOOTY on Duty}} ::: DOnT MiSS OuT::: * - 21
(Las vegas, HOTELS / LOCALS / outcall!!)
Sweet DD's ...Imfamous Skills / 60QV/80HH/140HR / Tacoma // Short Notice Ok - 36
(Tacoma, PVT TACOMA)
❤▃🚺🚺🚺▃❤ AMAZING NEW Asian DOLL ❤▃🚺🚺🚺▃❤ 202-344-0907❤▃🚺🚺🚺▃❤ Nuru ❤ 100%REAL PICS ❤▃🚺🚺🚺▃❤ - 22 - 22
(Northern Virginia, 💗 SPRINGFIELD💗Upscale Location)
☀bUsTy TAN bLoNde DOLL!☀ __ *aVaiLabLe NOW💋BoYs!* __ [REAL PiCs!!] __ 🎉FUN & ♥'s 2 PARTY!🎉 - 28
(Cleveland, (( -- WeSt SiDe --)))
°°¤ WHo On BaCkPaGe DO WanT ... When *** DESirE *** HaS aLl ThAt YoU NeEd ¤°° Krazy Specials - 25
(North Austin incall only)
❤️M u t u a l B e n e f i t s ❤️JOURNEY'S in MIDWEST CITY NOW ! 100% Rεaℓ ▬▬ Upscαℓε ♥ ▬▬ ♥ ßεαuty ▬▬ - 32
(MIDWEST CITY, Oklahoma City)
🐞GRATlFYlNG Experience🐞SEXY and READY To MEET U 🐞Fun & CLASSY LADY 🐞 ~ 🌐 Visit My WEBSITE! 🐦 - 99
(Openings Available - 24/7 - 5 LOCATIONS, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
EARLY bird wanna PLAY ? *** SMOking HOt Woman NO bs OR games VERY OPEN MINDED 2 anything - 39
(summerline incallS ONLY)
Hot Men Cam From Home And Make Big Money! Highest Commission In The Industry! $$ - 40
(Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Central Michigan, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Holland, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Muskegon, Northern Michigan, Port Huron, Saginaw, Southwest Michigan, Upper Penin)
❤ 💋BuBBLe B👀t¥ 💓BRIE💓( ★ ReadY★) 🇲💋🇺🇹🇭 👅 ₷₭ⓘ🇱🇱Z♥(%1OO ReAL 🇲🇪)✖THⓘCK★ JUICY - quick-60 - 25
(Cleveland, Westside NO BLACK MEN UNDER 35)
Big Booty Sexi Kelli🔥👅💲pecial 📞Call NOW 📞🎀 AVAILABLE All DaY and NiGHT!! - 26
■ ▬▬ All NaTuRaL beauty ▬▬ ■ [ busty] 🏆Forget the rest, call the BEST!🏆 - 22
(Inglewood / Hawthorne, lax hermosa venice marina del rey pdr, Los Angeles)
♥️(80)💚⬛💛⬛💜⬛❤️ ⬛💙⬛ Inglewood ⬛ 💛 ⬛★Magic touch ★💥 ARMANI 💥 ⬛ 💚 ⬛💚⬛💛⬛💜⬛❤️⬛💙⬛BoOTyPlaY!♥️ - 21
(Inglewood 💙⬛ LAX ⬛BACK(in)Twn, Los Angeles, Westside)
Be AuTiFuL >* ExOtic HOT PLaY m aTe 100% *HoT*PIC - 21
(Oklahoma City, SOUTH I-35 IN N OUT)
$30.00 SPECIAL - #1 Spa In Las Vegas / HOTTEST girls in Las Vegas / REAL PICTURES !!!!!!! - 21
(Las Vegas)
(๏人๏)THUR SPECIAL(๏人๏)5★WOW TREATMENT|Best Toe👣Curling Exciting Erotic BodyRub 💋Sexy 44DD Mix BABE - 29
(Los Angeles, Redondo,Torrance and Manhattan/Incalls)
FrEaKy FrIdAy :) SeXiEsT pRoViDeR n SeAtAc :) 60hh-100hr NeW pIc'S :) 2533433299 pErFeCt BoDy:) - 22
(Seattle, SEATAC 2533433299 50QV 60HH 100HR)
💟💟💟 626-598-3323 💟💟💟 🌸💖ASIAN Anywhere out to u 💖🌸 💟💟Asian Yoyo 💟💟 🔥HOT🔥 💟💟💖🌸 - 22
(Anywhere out to u, Downtown, Los Angeles)
$250 FLAT NO BS OR UPSELL 💗38 reviews prove I'm REAL 💗Single curvy mom💗702-713-4748 - 35
(Las Vegas, OUTCALL ONLY ! See you soon !!, SouthWest)
___________ WoRk AvAiLABLE TODAY (LADIES NEEDED) OPTIONS AVAILABLE ______________ - 27
(Manhattan, NYC)
Every DAY 8AM Till 3AM ** Specials 80/140Hr *** My LIPZ Will Drive u WILD - 32
**EroTiC*SExy *FanTacIes*Ready to PlAy pleAsUre&PlEase;# 206-304-3959 - 25
(Tacoma, (will travel)specials)
100%ReAl🌟V.I.P🌟Reviewed Party🎉Girl💎Available Now💎🏪🏩 - 20
(Hollywood, Lax,rendondo beach,, Los Angeles)
----- --------- ---------- ---------- 44E BUSTY BOOBs ---------- ---------- ---------- -----
start your weekend with this sexy beauty - 19
(Austin, In town, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, San Marcos, Waco)
Are you READY to be Treated like a KING ☆❤ You HAVEN'T had ❤💖 the BEST 💖❤👑 UNTIL You've had ME - 26
(Oklahoma City, SE Okc Incall Out from Norman to Edmond)
Ambitious Blonde distinguished by satisfaction the ultimate Satisfaction cheeks CALL ME NOW - 26
UPSCALE DOMINICAN! Applebottom ! call about my specials. Discreet. I come to you or you me. - 19
(incall west valley/ outcall valleywide)
🌓🌓🌓🌓🌓🌓🌓🌓🌓🌓🌓 100% NAUGHTY Blonde 🌓🌓🌓🌓🌓🌓🌓🌓🌓🌓🌓 READY TO PLEASE YOU 🌓🌓🌓🌓🌓🌓🌓🌓🌓🌓🌓 COME OVER PHO K.ME 🌓🌓🌓 - 24
(Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood)
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ UP ALLNIGHT ° D E L I C I O U S ° P L A Y M A T E!! SPECIALS!! ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ - 20
(Central/South Phoenix, Sky Harbor/ University)
❌⭕❌⭕ 【💯REAL PICs 】【 💯 SeXy 💞 PReTTy 】 👯【 YoUnG 】 🎀 【FuN 】💖 【N@uGHtY gIRL 】 🌟 ❌⭕❌⭕ 🆕 2 @RE@!! In/Out - 19
(Hamilton, Oakville today-Trafalgar/QEW)
BReMeRToN! NEW PICS!💎ABSΘLUTELY AMAZi₦G💎REVIEWED 💜:All Natural 💜:Gorgeous 💜:Rεaℓ Upscαℓε ßεαuty - 25
(Bremerton/Kitsap Incall, Tacoma)
200$ no upsell til 3pm !! single mom loves older gents.. Don't call an agency 713 4748 - 32
(Las Vegas, Outcall to homes and hotels/ strip)
**CuDdLe WiTh YoUr ChUbBy CuTiE**FeTiSh FrIeNdLy**OpEn LaTe NiGhTs**24/7 - 27
(San Fernando Valley, North Hills Sherman Oaks NoHo)
hOTbi- seuxal/ ALL Incl./RoseBurg, Or./ 2-dy!! / GFE/ Petite BloNde! Out call /RICEHILL/ R-burg, EUG - 29
▂BELLEVUE DOWNTOWN▃▉▉💠1000000% REAL PIX 💠▉▉▃▂ ▂▃▉▉💠Best ASIAN GIRL💠▉▉▃▂ ▂▃▉▉💠B2B NURU 💠▉▉▃▂ - 21
(Bellevue, Downtown Bellevue, Seattle)
2 for $250 💜💜 Hookup With The freakiest chicks of BP 💜💜 ULTIMATE vEGAS experience 💜 - 22
(Las Vegas, The Strip, VEGAS STRIP TO YOUR ROOM)
Money making Opportunity Now! Safe Upscale Busy Agency seeking New Talent Today Work with the best - 36
(Manhattan, New York City)
Curvy CUTIE.....Curly haired LATINA/MIDDLE EASTERN mix!!!!! - 22
(BREMERTON/Silverdale OUTCALL specials)
> > > > > > - - - - J-U-I-C-Y- - - - A-Z-Z- - - H-E-R-E ($75 Special) N*E*W G*I*R*L ON THE B*L*O*C*K - 24
(OKC & Surrounding:OUTCALLS/ I-35 INCALLS)
44 EE boobs ❤❤mature MILF ⚡️4🌟 review INCALL SPECIAL 200 strip incall🍭🍒🍒🍭 PIC VERIFY - 45
(Las Vegas, South, strip @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@)
:) *============ :) ========= >~ Get Ready 4 Me Baby~ ?! < :) ===========* :) =========* - 22
$300 FLAT !! ❤️45 LEGIT reviews ! 🙋🏻🙋🏻I ❤️OLDER gents 🌷🌷mature single mom🙋702-713-4748 - 35
(Las Vegas, NorthWest, Outcall only)
50 OUTCALLs 50 Mrs Sarah on her way to warm you up DaddY ! Lorain co. West Cleveland all areas 50 *~ - 23
(Cleveland, In lorain out Cleve west side 😜👅💦 50)
STOP Wondering and Wasting TIME !! Red BoMbShElL AvAiLaBlE LaTe LaTe EvEnInG & Early MoRnInGS - 28
(South Austin/Stassney Area)
***2 GIRL for one RATE!!! 100% REAL... 100% RELIABLE... We will come together or apart :) - 21
(Las Vegas, WE COME TO YOU>> up till 5am)
—————————————— █ ♥ 2 GIRL SPECIAL ♥ █ ——————————————— - 29
(Las Vegas, 2mins From The Strip........)
Specials & it's O-:¦: U -:¦:T -:¦ S -:¦: T :¦: A -:¦: N -:¦:D :¦: I -:¦:- N-:¦: G _ ~ Company - 23
🍉δWeeT↬👅🍭 MOiST💦🍑 ✨✘ uℓtiℳαtε ✘ Frεαk👅 ✨🔥 MiNd 💨BL¤₩¡NG💋LiPs & 👣ToE 🎀cUrLiNg TriCkS📞Now - 22
(Bellflower, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Pasadena, San Gabriel, San Gabriel Valley, Santa Ana)
💙✨CONCORD Incall💙AVAILABLE Now!! Sexy&Exotic;💎 Un-rushed PLEASURE.. Call me lets have some F U N 🌀 - 20
Cute Asian Women are waiting for YOU! - 22
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura, OutCall)
🎬🎭 2162647903 ° ☆ ° 🎬🎭📹 I AM THE ADULT BLOCKBUSTER OF BP 🎥🎦🎫 ° ☆ ° FREE CONSULT SERVICE 🎥🎦 - 33
(Cleveland, South Euclid, Ohio [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ιοο̲̅)̲̅$̲̅])
2 Girls $200 SPECIAL ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊ ▬▬▬▬▊▊▬▬▬▬ Party ▬▬▬▊▊▊▊▬▬▬ Girls ▬▬▬▊▊▬▬▬▬▬ ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▊▊▊▊ - 22
(Las Vegas, The Strip, Your 💃💃💃💃 PLACE 💃💃💃💃 💋💋💋 💃)
ask about my headache relief 💋Tight👅80 $pecia💦 Puerto Rican Hottie♡♡let me Be Your Naughty Girl � - 25
(Oklahoma City, meridian incalls only)
♥:: 2 A S I A N GiRls! Ready TO Give U the Ultimate A S I A N ExpErienCe!!♥:: - 23
(Las Vegas, outcall to Hotel or Local 24/7, SouthWest)
Ladies R U looking 4 the RIGHT agency to FULFILL ur EXPECTATIONS & NOT WASTE ur TIME . COME JOIN US - 39
(Manhattan, NYC)
☰ ☀ ☰ Ś3XŶ_ βŶ_Ń@TuRe ¤ ¤ ŃĂÚĞĤŤŶ_ βŶ_ČĤ0iČĔ ☰ ☀ ☰SPECiALS - 19