Mon 27 Jan
>EXOTIC Sexy Juicy SKY new to BACKPAGE! ask about my 2 girl SHOW WITH LAYLA!!!! - 22
(Houston, Houston Baytown Hobby Pasadena)
☆:::::[][] L3T'S H@V3 SUM {{K!NKY.. Sw33T}} FuN on Th!$ {T3MPT!NG Tu3$D@Y!} :::::☆ - 21
☂ Wanna Play ??? ☂ Let's get WeTT??? ☂ ALL DooRs OPEN !!! ☂ - 24
Lady Love 💝 Call 911 this woman is on fire🔥!! Come experience the heat! - 38
(Columbia, Harbison Dntwn Irmo LM)
► DiD _____ yOu _____ WaKe _____ up _____ STIFF _____ this_____ MOrNiNg??? ◄ - 24
(N O R T H W E ST__HOUSTON + Surroundings)
Hot 🌹🌹nice🌹🌹 Fun🌹🌹🌹 Beautiful girl "" 💕💕💕EAT ME💕💕Fremont "💋💋💋 💗💗💗 - 26
(East Bay, Fremont, Fremont,Pleasanton,Hayward)
º ☆ º HaRD & HoRNy? (1OO) LATE NiTe SPECIAL º ☆ º - 24
(>>>290 in & out everywhere 713-476-2002)
& KiNDa iNNoCEnT------> SEXy ..NaUGHTy & WiLLiNG------>B E A U T I F U L INSIDE &OUT;! - 19
(North Houston)
MaKiNg ) :*: ( yOUr ) :* : ( FaNTaSy ) :*: ( ReALiTy ) : :: ::: :::: ::::: :::::: - 28
(Dallas, Arlington in& out calls)
open minded . . . . sexy & sweet . . . . yummy treat
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Mid Cities, North DFW, South DFW, Texarkana, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls, anywhere you want me!)
ו//•••> ~×~×~•> It OnLy GeTs BeTtEr!!! CoMe On YoU kNoW yOu WaNt To ~×~×~•> ו//•••> - 24
(Houston, Southwest)
NEW ● ▌◤★◢ °•°•° C e r t i f i e d ◕&◕ SEDUCTIVE°•° ◤★◢ ▌○●BeAUTY ○---;【PleaSure PaRaDise!!】 - 24
(Arlington, Carrier Parkway)
New Girl @@@@@@ Call 682-730-3308 ^^^^^^ New Sexy Hot Linda *~*~* Outcall Only #$# - 21
(Fort Worth, Mid Cities, Outcall Only, South DFW)
%%% Ms.Nova %%% 60 Special %%% Ready 2 Play %%% 682 %%% 351 %%% 9957 %%% - 20
(Mid Cities, Arlington/360)
HIGHLY REVIEWED FOR A REASON -Top Rated - OUT OF THIS WORLD -Incall Sunnyvale Now _Up Late! - 34
✋Must CLICK ⬅🚫UPSCALE !!!SpeciALS Goin ON Right Now💦👅 Sexy Latina👑 Available24\7📞Call Now‼ - 22
(Mid Cities, north 360.)
[NeW] ❤ [very KINKY] ❤ i may be bad but... im PERFECTLY good at it! - 19
(Mid Cities, NorthWest HWY-635/ (in/out))
New in town** petite bubble butt godess, best in town...CaLL NOW 24/7 - 28
(Dallas, Dallas, duncanville, surrounding, Mid Cities, North DFW, South DFW)
NEW:!!! Kamora sexy beautiful exotic playmate 44DD boobs - 25
(Arlington, Big booty 44DD beauty !!! Arlington)
*• ♛•* ★NEW*• ♛•*Always JuiCy ★Incalls n Outcalls*•* ★ Exotic Gorgeous Beauty*★FreaKy SerVices★ - - - 20
(Mid Cities, 360/brown)
My Specialty is So Good: You Will Never Forget It and I Guarantee You'll Be Back for More! Infamous - 33
(Beach/820, Fort Worth, Mid Cities)
♥o° YOUR °o♥o° SMILE °o♥o° IS MY °o♥o° #1 PRIORITY °oSPECIALS - 24
(Mid Cities, (183/820 ***INCALLS ALLNIGHT))
&&&&&&&& Call 713-429-1951 #*#* Sexy New Asian Girl Michelle *#*# Outcall Only &&&&&&&&$ - 21
(City of Houston, Houston, Outcall Only)
♥° ❤° ★ N.A.U.G.H.T.Y ~ N.E.V.E.R. ★~ L.O.O.K.E.D ~ S.O. ~ N.I.C.E ★ ❤ ❤ ❀ °•♥ SPECIALS - 21
(Mid Cities, 30&360&161)
Amazing incall & 2 girl specials👅Treasure💎here let me make ur dream come true👅💦🎂🍨 - 22
(City of Houston, Houston, Westheimer & beltway 8)
hey guys are there any good (POKE-HER) PLAYERS on HERE? if so SHOW ME! WOW $60 specials! - 21
Lets Chill. Sugar daddy needed💦💦972-916-9405 - 25
(Grandprairie Euless Mansfield Midlothian, Mid Cities)
Outcall Only )))))) Sexy Asian Girl Vivian (((((( Call ME 682-730-3308 - 22
(Fort Worth, Mid Cities, South DFW, Outcall Only)
Hot 🌹🌹nice🌹🌹 Fun🌹🌹🌹" Beautiful girl "" 💕💕💕EAT ME💕💕"💋💋💋 💗💗💗 - 26
(East Bay, Fremont, Pleasanton,Fremont,Hayward)
ೋ **L3@V!NG S00N.. BuT PL@Y T!M3'S N0T 0V3R--->> 100 IN/ 200 0UT w/ MULTIS
(***G@LL3R!@ IN/0UTS @LL 0V3R & SuRR.***)
_ ☆ DOUBLE your FUN! ☆ 【 2 】SeXXy Girls Who Actually Believe In Quality Service ☆ - 21
(Columbia, St Andrews Road IN & Out)
Mercedes. ¥ Pleasure At Your Request ¥ ¤ Sexy As You Want Me To Be ¤ upall night!!! - 24
(Mid Cities, 35 & altamesa EVERYWERE)
🅰ll 👀👀 ON Me_*📹📷NeW 🅿iCs &' ↗VIDE🅾↖*_💦🎢C🅾me T🅰ke A Ride🎢_ 🍑🅰M🅰ZiNG BOoTy🍑*_ - 20
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Mid Cities, North DFW, ↗↗▶▶▶Arlington Incalls ONLY!!!◀◀◀↖↖)
HeAd🙆d0wN👇@Ss🍑uP👆BuRrY uR 🌰🌰nUtS N mY😱tHr0aT @Ss🍑0r GuTs - 25
(East Bay, Richmond Pinole Berkeley Oakland /outcal)
>>> Very Sexual, Upscale, Gorgeous, Petite, Brunette Spinner... For A Fun & Crazy Nite!!!
(Houston, Spring, Woodlands & Conroe)
NEW PiCS♥—S———— U———— P———— E———— R————— **♥** —————H——— O——— T——— T—♥ - 22
*° NEW *° BLoNDe & GoRGeouS - TOP KNoTCH BeAuTy *° PeTiTe & SWeeT *° - 20
(Arlington, Grand Prairie)
NeW ------> *AVAIL. NOW** 100% REAL ** ╠╣OT, BUSTY BEAUTY ♥ — S —E— X —Y — ♥ ╠╣OT, BUSTY BEAUTY - 20
(Fort Worth, Arlington Incalls and Outcalls)
ೋ::: ~^~^C0LT$ W0N & !'M L3@V!NG T0WN.. G3T TH3$3 Sp3C!@L$ N0W!!! 100/HH**140/HR ~^~^ :::ೋ - 21
(59S/ BELTWAY 8)