Mon 27 Jan
Need new Erotic Photos for the WEB?**SAME DAY TURN AROUND**Female Photographer - 38
(east vancouver, Vancouver)
💋🌹Ts Sofia be back in Vancouver on Monday March 13th to 16th 🌹💋 - 22
(Downtown Vancouver, Vancouver)
top and bottoms welcome 8-1/2" bisexual versatile 24/7/365 days a year - 21
MY FANTA$Y I$ T0 HAV3 2 M3N 0V3R...1 C00K!NG & 1 CL3AN!NG...S0 CALL M!$TY N0W 778[[994]]3606 - 26
(SOUTH BURNABY - In/Out Call, Vancouver)
Victoria now 🍆🍆9,5-Monster-VANC- ---LOLA-- Very best TOP/bOttom Big tool - EUROPEAN BLOND ready - 24
(Kamloops, Nanaimo, Vancouver, Victoria)
Maream Lopez the best luxury girl available call now 24/7 One day only next Kelown - 24
(Vancouver, Vancouver new Westminster)
Recent photos! And videos taken today🔥🔥🔥 Sexyhugecock Miyuki !! Shemale for your pleasure! 🔥🔥🔥 - 23
(Kingsway! Close to joyce station, Vanco, Vancouver)
Wanna Meet a Sexy Shemale?
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
Samarah. I'm coming to Vancouver next week Where are my older gentlemen? I'm here for you - 24
(Downtown, Vancouver)
✔ •• ♡ •• #1. H0T SUMM€R TREAT!¡ $80 $pecials. Your ANG€LiC FANTASY •• ♡ •• - 23
(Louisville, Last Day 8-29 / $80 Specials)
Sun 26 Jan
Sexy n Hot BBW Tranny Visiting 100 flatt rate Sexy Caliente Gordita Transexual Visitando - 24
(Miami, SW MIAMI/coral gables)
Tue 21 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
*** *** Check out Local Gorgeous CAUCASIAN TS Jillian!!! At your service!!!! *** *** - 34
(Bur/Coquit (Van - LM out calls), Vancouver)
X X X - "SEXY Jillian" - CAUCASIAN Dream girl (What u see is what u get) - Yum!!! - X X X - 34
(Bur/Coquit (Van - LM out calls), Vancouver)
back in TORONTO , thanks VA😍NCOUVER 😍😍the Hottest - most well known - top/Bottom - 24
(Kelowna-Okanagan, TORONTO, Vancouver, Victoria)
NOW IN VICTORIA until 18 Barbiedoll bignana🍆Hot body😊Kinky fetish ultimate girl🍆🍆friend experienc - 23
(Victoria, Victoria, Victoria, Kingston Street)
SUNDAY JAN.22nd * new # ! * (REAL) established * new # ! * - 35
(Victoria, Victoria British Columbia Canada)
❤️ Angelie 💜 NORTH YORK 💙 Uptown 💚Yonge & Finch 💛 LAST week in Canada! - 21
(Toronto, Yonge & Finch)
Fri 10 Jan
Victoria now 🍆🍆9,5-Monster-VANC- ---LOLA-- Very best TOP/bOttom Big tool - EUROPEAN BLOND ready - 24
(Kamloops, Nanaimo, Vancouver, Victoria)
⭐️⭐️⭐⭐⭐ Alexis DVyne ★ 8.5" For Real! ★ 38DD Boobs! ★ Versatile ★ Fetish ★ Massage ★ Visa/MC⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐⭐ - 29
(Vancouver, ❤️💕Downtown West End 💕❤️)
Krystal cdgurl ....for Bad Boys.... your pleasure 💕💋....super reasonable rates - 45
(Victoria, Victoria downttown)
New in town ♥_*C_A_T_C_H = { ME } =_♥_= W_H_I_L_E * { U } = C_A_N •• PrIncE$$•• ♥ I'M THE ONE - 23
(City centre, Vancouver)
Hottest Transsexual Asian-Latina TOP/Vers with 9 inches Dowtown Convention Center Available Now!!! - 25
(Portland, Downtown Convention Center)
After 4 pm Vancouver 🍆🍆🍆🍆bigggg next Vanc 9,5 TOT--READY for your pleausure -HURRY - HOT WHITE blond - 25
(Nanaimo, Vancouver, Victoria)
Thu 09 Jan
💙🦄💜- Charlie Ève💄👠♥- 🐾🐾 💯 early sneaking out husbands / before the office🤓👿😜👯 - 25
(Downtown, Vancouver)
🇨🇦LAST DAY ! 🍎ASIAN sexyhugecock!!!💦💦💦 Hugeload!TS giving you the Ultimateee TS-Girlfriend🥑Experience - 23
(Kingsway! Close to joyce station, Vanco,, Vancouver)
😘🇵🇭❤️ Your Asian Sweetheart TS Andrea 3days Left in your town !+14152006128 - 22
(Downtown union square, San Francisco)
One of a kind - tall Hollywood blonde Stacie Miguire, available now in Portland! - 28
(Downtown Portland, downtown)
Forget the Rest, Try Me! 😋 A Professional - Licensed Massues (( P E R F E C T ➓ ★ S K I L L S )) - 26
(Portland, private-Incall ☑ private parking🚗)
Pornstar ✨SabrinaLove 8 inch uncut Large available now5812462441 - 27
(Dundas dixie, Mississauga, Toronto)
Wed 08 Jan
Ever Wonder if that Totally Hot Babe is a Shemale? >> - 19
(Cariboo, Comox Valley, Fraser Valley, Kamloops, Kelowna-Okanagan, Kootenays, Nanaimo, Peace River Country, Prince George, Skeena-Bulkley, Sunshine Coast, Vancouver, Victoria, Whistler)
♥🔜ღENJOY (TS PORSHA)💯🚘 ⇖✘⇗ 💞🎀✰= 🚚✓【9 ROCKSTAR PACKAGE 🚦】✓✘⇗💞💞💘 ❌✓【 💯%PARTY GIRL!】*ღ ☏₵αℓℓ - 23
(Portland, NE P'land ConventionCenter(504)460-6743)
_New in town** College cutie T-girl next door with super 9" Treat (253) 44two -- 375nine - 23
(Portland, $200 Flat Rates ((Sw Farmington Rd.)
$imply The Best ! Don't Believe it ? $ee 4 yourselves .. *BRAND NEW PHOTO'S * - 69
(Victoria, Victoria British Columbia Canada)
Visiting.. Beautiful exotic KINKY Tgirl that has the CREAM 💦💦 of your DREAMS💦🍆👅 - 25
(Downtown Vancouver, Vancouver)
Tue 07 Jan
ARRIVING SOON! Amelia 👄 💦ZquirTs💦Exotic Beautiful Amelia HUNG 9.5 +~Amazing kisser~💕💘 - 23
(Dt Vancouver, Vancouver)
►Birthday SALE $80►BDAY$$80$► TOP/Bttm 9.5 In Cut•FF.Heavy $80Shooter ■■ 100% REAL Photos * - 20
(Scranton, SCRANTON-Alone-DavisST(347)_774-_1777)
Sorry trip postponed 💃🏼 Shelly well Reviewed Most Glamrous Exotic Trans Goddess !see u soon 😘 - 25
(Victoria, Victoria dt Feb 1-4 Trip postponed)
⭐️⭐️⭐⭐⭐ Alexis DVyne ★ 8.5" For Real! ★ 38DD Boobs! ★ Versatile ★ Fetish ★ Massage ★ Visa/MC⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐⭐ - 29
(Vancouver, ❤️💕Downtown West End 💕❤️)
New sexy youg sexy latina visiting alexandria firt time now - 21
(Alexandria by arlington and cristal city, Northern Virginia)
Mon 06 Jan